Guide to Choosing Cosmetology School

How This Guide Helps You to Choose a Cosmetology School

In order to choose the right cosmetology program, there are a number of factors to consider. You’ll need to review factors like available classes, school reputation, affordability, and career readiness.

For example, in addition to learning about haircuts in a classroom and practicing on a mannequin, programs that have an on-site salon give students the opportunity to work with real clients while still in school. The school you choose can provide this valuable learning opportunity that helps students to grow their skills, improve their confidence, and build their resume.

A student-run clinic salon is just one of the criteria students can look for when choosing a program. In this guide to cosmetology schools, you can go step-by-step through the eight categories that are important to your decision. The downloadable guide covers the following:



  • Trococi Univercity Cosmetology School Curriculum
    Cosmetology Skills:

    Do you know the important skills that should be included in your cosmetology program? By looking for programs that cover the top six cosmetology skills, you'll maximize your job options.

  • Trococi Univercity Cosmetology School Curriculum
    Hands-On Cosmetology Experience:

    Some schools offer hands-on training opportunities to help you grow your skills and prepare for a cosmetology career. Find out how you can evaluate a cosmetology program's hand-on training opportunities.

  • Trococi Univercity Cosmetology School Curriculum
    Visiting a Cosmetology School:

    Find out what to look for when touring the school's campus, including what questions to ask and how to figure out if it's the right program for you.

  • Trococi Univercity Cosmetology School Curriculum
    Prior Student Success:

    Looking at the careers of the school's alumni can tell you about the type of results that are possible. Learn how you can assess the school's cosmetology alumni to understand the type of training it offers.

  • Trococi Univercity Cosmetology School Curriculum
    Length of Cosmetology Programs:

    Are you wondering how long will it take to graduate from a cosmetology program? The answer varies by location, and the guide explains the training hours for full-time and part-time programs, as well as what it takes to get a cosmetology license.

  • Trococi Univercity Cosmetology School Curriculum
    Cost and Value of Training:

    Learn how to calculate the true cost of attending cosmetology school including tuition costs, financial aid, and scholarships.

  • Trococi Univercity Cosmetology School Curriculum
    Cosmetology School’s Credentials:

    By understanding a school's credentials, you'll know if the program is aligned with industry standards. Many alumni also say that it's a good idea to attend an accredited program that's recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

  • Trococi Univercity Cosmetology School Curriculum
    Next Steps to Prepare for Cosmetology Training:

    Find out who can help answer your questions and what should you do next.



Get the In-Depth Guide on How to Choose a Cosmetology School

It’s never been easier to choose the best beauty school for you. In this Guide to Choosing a Cosmetology School, we’ll take an in-depth look at how to evaluate your options. There are checklists of questions you can ask, explanations of why certain criteria are important to your education, and instructions on how to compare programs.

Trococi Univercity Cosmetology School Curriculum