Little girl excited about her dreams

Dreams Into Reality

March 17th, 2014

Beauty Blog

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Guest post by Alicia Radzicki, a TUBC student at our Indianapolis campus.

I came to this industry a year and a half ago with only the knowledge of box color and ability to cut my own hair. When I started at Tricoci University I was ready and willing to learn all I could. One of the first things I learned was that being a part of the beauty industry there will always be something new to learn. That’s when I knew that I would always love my career choice; I love learning new things!

Being a part of the first Tricoci night cosmetology class at INE, I realized from many of the instructors that I was part of one of the best curriculums. I am very grateful to my teachers for always being there; ready to answer the many questions I’ve never been afraid to ask. All of the staff has been so inspiring and encouraging even through my roughest moments.

Since I was a little girl I have always wanted to help people but until now I didn’t know what I could do to make a real difference. Being in the cosmetology program, I not only put smiles on my clients faces because they feel beautiful but, because of my instructors at Tricoci University, I also do what needs to be done to make sure my client knows and has the necessary essentials to keep their hair healthy at home.

I have decided to go back to school in the future for esthetics, massage therapy and nutrition. This way I can later open my own salon/spa and teach my clients how to keep themselves as healthy as possible.

The instructors at Tricoci have been so helpful in making this dream become a reality for me. Words cannot express how much I appreciate all of their help and patience. I hope to later give back and use all of my education to do the same for other students like myself. I want to be as helpful and inspiring to them as my instructors have been to me.

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