Ronald McDonald red shoes

Ronald McDonald House Partner

April 3rd, 2012

Beauty Blog

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By Erica Valentin, Tricoci University at Chicago NW

We have been pretty busy here at Tricoci University Harlem Campus.  But our biggest accomplishment is partnering with the Ronald McDonald House Charities by providing them with different types of donations through fun field activities and lots of cooperation from our students.

Before we continue, I would like to share some information about this wonderful foundation and their mission statement. The mission of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana is to improve the health, well-being and education of children through their three core programs: Ronald McDonald Houses, Ronald McDonald Care Mobile and their Scholarship Program.

“The four Ronald McDonald Houses provide a “home away from home” to keep families together while their child is receiving medical treatment far from home. Located near Advocate Hope Children’s HospitalChildren’s Memorial HospitalLoyola University Medical Center and University of Chicago Comer Children’s Hospital, the Houses provide comfortable and private rooms, opportunities to bond with other families going through similar situations, and delicious meals prepared by giving volunteers for a suggested donation of $10 per night.”

So far Student Council has performed various activities, including “Jean Days,” Valentine’s Day Grams and Bake Sales, which were a complete success for the month of February. We will continue doing “Jean Days” until March 31. A percentage of the proceeds from these activities will be donated to the respective “Charity Houses.”

For the month of March, Tricoci University will host an all-campus competition to help collect items in need for the different Houses from the Chicagoland area. The students are encouraged to talk to their friends and family to cooperate with this cause because it will help the families and siblings of the patients that are being treated in different hospitals in the city of Chicago.

Remember, if you are interested in participating and/or donating to this noble cause, contact us!

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