Beauty bar fashion show

Beauty Bar Fashion Show

November 23rd, 2011

Beauty Blog

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By Ahna Resendez, Tricoci University at Chicago NE

Being able to participate in events held outside of school is always exciting. Some of the students at the Tricoci University Chicago NE campus had the opportunity to do the hair for a fashion show hosted at Beauty Bar in Chicago. As a teacher in training, I was fortunate to accompany the students along with my mentor, Ms. Katie.

The girls who participated were so excited to do hair for their first fashion show and also really nervous, but as soon as their first round of models sat down, the creative juices started going and away they went! The vision of the show’s director and designers was big hair, with lots of texture, so our student stylists were definitely ready to give these models some big and backcombed fashion hair.  I loved how the students would ask for our help in shaping their initial idea, and then they took it into their own hands, and created every look their own way.

There were 8 models and 4 students, so each student got 2 models to style. Every model had hair that fit exactly what the show was asking for, but they all had a slightly different twist. Some hair was sleek against the head and then had a big poofy pony-tail, and one model had all of her hair down and out. Some of the hair was curled first and some was left straight. The overall feel of the models was very put together, but also very creative.

The students did an excellent job, and I loved being able to go with and assist with the show. I know that these kinds of shows come up pretty often, so I hope that all the students will get the opportunity to experience something so fun!

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