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Which Chicago Facials Should You Consider?

If you’re interested in going to the spa anytime soon, you’re probably also interested in getting a facial. Facials are one of the most important things to think about when you go to the spa—what facial do you want? Which facial is right for you? There are many ways to answer this question. Here are some of the biggest Chicago facials out there right now, as well as a few things to think about when you decide to get one.

Most Important Reasons To Get a Facial

Why should you get a facial in the first place? Of course, there are nearly endless reasons to get a facial, but in Chicago, some of those reasons may not apply as frequently. If you live in sunny Southern California, the glaring sun is likely to be a problem, but perhaps not as much in Chicago. Three of the top reasons for a facial in Chicago are humidity problems, wind and pollution.

  • Humidity Issues

Humidity is astonishingly high in Chicago in general. As a matter of fact, the average annual humidity is just over 70%, with morning humidity percentages getting up to over 80% at times. This humidity can feel oppressive, but it can also cause problems with your skin because your pores are likely to open up due to the moisture. That can lead to acne and allergy problems.

  • Wind

Chicago is known as “The Windy City,” and a quick look at the wind index of the city will tell you why. The average wind speed year-round is just over 11 mph, and extremely windy winters can end up giving you wind speeds of over 14 mph on an average day. That blustering wind can quickly dry out your skin, no matter how humid the air around you is.

  • Smog and Pollution

Smog and pollution are unfortunately problems that many city dwellers face. Chicago doesn’t have the highest level of pollution in the United States, but it is worst in the state of Illinois, with an air quality index considered “moderate” by the EPA. Smog and pollution can get into your pores, clogging them and potentially causing issues like early aging and acne.

Most Popular Facials for Chicago Residents

These are all great reasons to get a facial at your local spa, but what specific types of facials should you look for? Depending on what skin problems you’re experiencing, the facial you end up choosing might be different. Here are a few of the different common problems that Chicago residents have, as well as some of the facials they might choose.

Facials for Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common problem in Chicago. Even though the city is very humid, which you would assume would add moisture to the skin, the winter chill and windiness can cause your skin to lose a lot of its moisture. That means dry skin facials are important. Four possible facials to add moisture back into your skin include:

  • Dermalinfusion facial
  • Oxygen facial
  • Gold mask facial
  • Hydration facial

Not every Chicago spa will offer these four facials, so if you’re experiencing problems with dry skin, including itchiness and irritation, let your esthetician know. They can help you find the right facial from the spa you’re at.

Facials for Acne

The humidity of Chicago, combined with the pollution in the Chicago air, can easily result in acne. Acne facials are extremely popular in Chicago. These are four of the most common facials that can help you with acne:

  • Extraction facial
  • Microdermabrasion facial
  • Decongesting facial
  • Brightening facial

Of course, these aren’t the only four facials that can help with acne. Most facials that draw excess oil and moisture out of the skin can help with acne, especially if they’re followed up by an effective moisturizing treatment. Talk to your esthetician about the right treatment for acne problems.

Facials for Aging

Skin aging is a complex set of skin reactions to a variety of different issues. These issues include pollution, sun exposure, dryness, collagen breakdown, and of course, just getting older. If you’re seeing premature aging in your skin, these are a few of the facials you might want to consider:

  • Microneedling
  • Soothing facial
  • Deep cleansing facial
  • Collagen-boosting facial

Not all facials for aging are called the same thing, and depending on the salon you attend, you might want to request something different. The best thing to do will always be to talk to your esthetician and let them know you’re having some aging concerns.


Overall, facials are definitely important in Chicago, and it’s a good idea to invest in facials on a regular basis at your local salon. If you want a great facial in Chicago, consider checking for a Tricoci University of Beauty Culture clinical salon near you. That way, you can get a great facial at a great price and also help up-and-coming estheticians prepare for their eventual career. It’s a win for everyone.